Sunday, September 11, 2022

China Unveils ‘Robocop Exoskeletons, Gun Wielding Killer Robot Dogs & ‘X Ray Tech To Help Soldiers See Through Walls

Here S Robocop China Now Has Its First Police Robot What S On Weibo

The robot was chased by a Chinese soldier with a large rifle and a RoboCop-powered exoskeleton on his back.

He followed the robotic dogs inside as they continued to examine the building and imagine what the upcoming battles might be like.

It comes at a time when the People's Liberation Army is rapidly modernizing and investing heavily in modern technology and drones, fearing it could one day go to war against the United States.

Tensions in Taiwan and the South China Sea continue to rise, with Chinese President Xi Jinping joining Russia as they take part in a joint military exercise involving 50,000 troops.

The exoskeleton was thought to help the soldier carry heavy weapons and rucksacks on his back - and help distribute the load throughout the vehicle.

The soldier must then be able to fight longer and harder without tiring, with a skeletal structure supported by the back and arms.

And the robotic dog can run at speeds of up to 9 miles per hour - with a mechanism that closely resembles Boston Dynamics' famous car.

The video shows dogs operating alongside troops and tanks in a large-scale war game.

The robot can also be equipped with a grenade launcher on its back and can even be used to deploy small drones.

Footage released by Kestrel even shows one of the dogs being dropped from a large drone helicopter before being attacked in the war zone.

Drone trucks, capable of transporting heavy loads in war zones, are also being tested by China.

In addition, the Chinese company is also developing a small unmanned tank - with a mini tracking car armed with a machine gun.

Beijing is also testing an autonomous heavy-lift helicopter.

And footage from previous Chinese military exercises shows that all these parts are working together to shape the future of warfare.

Russia and China are currently participating in a massive military exercise involving 50,000 troops, 60 warships and 140 aircraft.

The exercise was personally led by Vladimir Putin at the height of the war in Ukraine.

Putin grips his chair like a claw, his legs constantly shaking as he gives strange speeches to teenagers.

She looked flushed as she spoke on stage after flying more than eight hours from Moscow to Kamchatka.

Russian military commander General Valery Gerasimov led the exercise, which included troops from several post-Soviet countries, as well as India, Laos, Mongolia, Nicaragua and Syria.

The Chinese force is led by the Type 055 destroyer Nanchang, the largest ship of its type in the Chinese Navy.

Beijing sent 2,000 soldiers and around 300 armored vehicles, 21 fighter jets and three warships to the war games.

Beijing's spokesman told the Global Times that the exercise marks the first time the country has sent its three branches of the armed forces to participate in exercises with Russia.

He called the exercise "a broad and deep demonstration" of military cooperation between the two countries.


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