Whittier Tech Hosts Open House
HAVERHILL - Prospective students and their parents gathered at Whittier Tech's open house last weekend to learn about what the high school has to offer.
In preparation for the event, visual communication and design students designed and printed invitations that were sent to more than 1,800 eighth graders and their families in 11 Whittier counties.
At the open house, students were introduced to Whittier's newest career path, Marine Technology. Boats, jet skis, cars and boat ramps built by carpentry students and painted by automotive students are on display in the auditorium.
Students and parents saw demonstrations in 22 of Whittier's other areas: design and visual communication; graphic communication; Cosmetic products: cooking Primary education and care; Hospital Management; Marketing business management; carpentry electricity; Brick work Plumbing: CAD/drawing; health care; health care; dental treatment; Business technologies; Electronics / Robotics; Engineering technology; Heating, ventilation, air conditioning; Mechanical Engineering; Metal production: Auto Body / Accident Repair and Automotive Technology.
At the open house, apprentice mason Silas Smith and Gracie Fetty of Haverhill built a fireplace from scratch. Electronics and robotics students fly drones through obstacles around the gym, while engineering students test remote control cars through cones and obstacles.
Participants enjoyed meals, drinks and snacks prepared by students dining in the school's Poet's Rest restaurant, including tortellini, chocolate mousse, cakes, cookies, coffee and tea.
"Open House is an opportunity for Whittier Tech to open its doors to the community so you can see the amazing things that happen every day through our 22 professional development programs," said Amanda Crosby, professional development coordinator. "It's great to see applicants and their families exploring our school and all that Whittier has to offer."
In addition to studying, students and their parents learned about Whittier's extracurricular activities like SkillsUSA, participated in application help sessions, toured the school store, and learned about college and career opportunities after graduation. Two hundred and fifty applicants applied to attend the open house.
Superintendent Maureen Lynch said in a news release that "a lot of people attended our open house last weekend." "Thank you to everyone who attended and to all the students and staff who made the open forum a success."
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