Friday, October 13, 2023

Antiagingobsessed Tech Mogul Bryan Johnson Used To Eat Trays Of Brownies While Battling ‘chronic Depression

Antiagingobsessed Tech Mogul Bryan Johnson Used To Eat Trays Of Brownies While Battling ‘chronic Depression

The tech mogul, who spends $2 million a year on a strict diet and says he's hacking his body to regain his youth, is a far cry from his chronically depressed self, who downs trays of brownies to try to feel better.

Brian Johnson said earlier this month at RAADfest 2023, the Revolution Against Aging and Death Conference, that at the height of his stress, "the only thing that calms me down is thinking about brownies or cookies in the fridge," according to the insider .

"Every afternoon at 7 p.m., the stress of the day weighed on my shoulders alone, and it was really heavy," said the 45-year-old billionaire. "It was like the idea that if I could somehow get my hands on this food, I could ease that pain in my existence."

Johnson calls this version of his late-night snack "Evening Brian," which he says usually appears around 7 p.m.

"I should have known, 'Oh, my God, here it is again.' We're going to cook a whole pot," Johnson said at the conference, according to Insider. "One night I joked, 'Dear Brian, you're making my life miserable. You're fired.'

Johnson was in his 30s at the time and said he struggled with "chronic depression," was the father of "three small children" and was building Braintree, a mobile payments startup that eBay bought in 2013 for $800 million. cash.

Johnson also recounted the time in a 2021 article titled "Sleep and Impulse Control," in which he described a night when the clock struck 7 p.m.

"A freshly baked sugar cookie stares at me. A pasty stomach makes for an attractive look. "Sugar has become a mockery," she wrote, due to her 95% "failure rate" when tempted. "I'm 50 pounds overweight was in the world

Even in 2021, Johnson has radically changed his bad habits by eating dessert at 7pm for a vegetarian meal at 11am.

Johnson's extremely strict diet includes 2,250 calories a day, an hour-long exercise routine, 111 daily supplements and going to bed at the same time every night to achieve the figure of an 18-year-old.

Before going to bed, Johnson wears blue light-blocking glasses for two hours. He constantly monitors his vital signs and has monthly medical procedures to maintain results, including ultrasounds, MRIs, colonoscopies and blood tests.

And while he sleeps, Johnson is connected to a machine that counts the number of erections during the night. It also measures one's weight, body mass index, body fat, blood sugar and heart rate fluctuations every day.

In May, Johnson adopted his 17-year-old son, Talmage, as his personal "blood boy," administering transfusions in an hours-long process that delivers plasma directly into his father's veins.

It's all part of the anti-aging project The Project, which he says has given him "a unique relationship with time" and is worth more than $2 million a year.

In May, Johnson took the project to the next level when he hired his 17-year-old son Talmage as his personal "blood boy," pumping plasma directly into his father's veins in a process that took several hours. . .

During the plasma exchange, Johnson, her son and her 70-year-old father, Richard, lost a pint of blood. Talmage's plasma entered Johnson's vein, and Johnson's plasma entered Richard's.

Johnson said in the weeks after the treatment that he "didn't get any benefit" from exchanging blood and therefore stopped doing it.

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