Friday, September 16, 2022

These Are The Top 3 Most Important Slides In Your Pitch Deck

23 Best Startup Pitch Deck Examples Famous In Tech 2022

If you have a strong draw chip, everything else in your set won't matter.

It is generally accepted that 10-20 slides are needed to tell the story of your startup. Many founders don't realize that not all segments are created equal. Some chips carry more weight than others, and three of them are very important. Today I'm going to tell you why these three slides are so important.

To use this article, you should consider which of these features your startup needs to help you organize your presentation. For example, number 1 on this list is the deadlift. If you have a lot of traction, this will probably be the first slide on your deck. If your desire is flat (ie not growing, not decreasing), weak or non-existent, maybe don't highlight it, but instead think about how to tell your story.

1 - Pay above all else

top and right. What it means Above and to the left there will be time travel, and if you can do that, you will have a more valuable company than you think.

Your traction chip, by a large margin, is your trump card. All other sins are forgiven if you show great income and rapid growth.

It doesn't matter if you have an inexperienced team, a bad product or a questionable market. If you can prove that your money is coming in and growing at a rate of 9% or more per week, you will collect the money.

There is a classification based on the type of traction that helps:

  • The upside If you're cash positive and growing fast, you probably don't even need venture capital, but if raising money helps you grow faster, you're in a good position.
  • PRIB. If your annual recurring income is growing quickly, you're lucky. Regular and dynamic SaaS revenue means you're on the right track.
  • active user. Growing your user base significantly without necessarily knowing how to monetize them is still a huge accomplishment. If you can prove that you can build a large and engaging audience, you'll likely find a way to make money along the way.
  • Subscriptions If you notice a significant increase in subscriptions for your product or service, but it does not generate or retain revenue, it is still worth it, even if you have to associate your segment with "what about" you will make money ? "Slip"
  • The best "lift platform" in the world?

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